
6 quirks!

Jobeth tagged me to list 6 quirks about moi...here goes!

#1 -- I organize my towels. As I put away new ones, I bring the "older, unused ones" to the front of the linen closet, and put the new washed ones in the back. It's a wash, rinse, repeat cycle :)

#2 -- I have a diet cherry vanilla coke every single morning. I can skip breakfast, but I *must* have my diet coke fix. :)

#3 -- I "tidy" my house every day. That means beds are made, dishes are washed (or at minimum dirty ones are stacked neatly.), and there isn't "stuff" everywhere. Doesn't matter if the dust is an inch deep or my floors are dirty, as long as everything is in it's place I'm fine.

#4 -- My full-time job is bookkeeping. A few of my responsibilities are paying the bills, keeping a register, reconciling checks, etc. ~ guess what I never do at home? That's right. I procrastinate when it comes to writing checks and reconciling our register. Thank goodness for online banking!!!!

#5 -- One of my terrible quirks is organizing too much. I usually do it when Chris isn't around then he can *never* find anything around our house later. Sad thing is I don't remember what I do with everything.

#6 -- The last quirk I can think of is that I luuuurve to dip my pizza in thick, cold & creamy sour cream. It is simply delish :)

Who to tag, who to tag.....I tag Amber, girl from florida, and Garrett!

1 comment:

TheVanzants said...

Sour cream - hmm...never tried that! As I was reading it, I just knew you were going to say Ranch - now that's yummy!