
little moments

In a few short weeks our daughter will be celebrating her 5th birthday. It seems like it was only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. So typical of a mother to say that, but if you are a Mom, you know exactly how true it is and how time simply flies when a child enters your world.

The past two weeks I've noticed how much she's growing up into a girl. She's not a baby, not a toddler...

Darci loves to weigh herself and has gotten quite frustrated at staying at 38lbs for several months...(what a problem, right?) Last week I realized she had hit a growing spurt (Mom! My shorts hurt!) and picked up her first pair of size 5 shorts at Old Navy...her response? "Mom! Can I go weigh myself to see if I've grown?!"

This summer has brought swimming lessons, birthday party planning (on her part), excitement about k-5 (August!!), understanding relationships, and realizing that "behaving" is a good thing.......my baby toddler little girl is really growing up!

No, this isn't a birthday post...but, as I watched her draw in her playroom as she does almost every day I felt this blog post forming in my mind and of course I had to snap a few photos. These special moments pass by way too fast and my memory will fade, but thank goodness I can look back at this post and smile.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I totally understand that 'mommy' feeling you are talking about. As I watch my little Tucker grow ever so quickly, I want to stop the hands of time. Then Carter, like Darci, I can't believe he's a little boy now!! We are truly blessed!!!